Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment programs allow qualified high school students the opportunity to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. To qualify, students must:

  1. Be recommended by their high school (currently open to Cocalico juniors and seniors);

  2. Attain the minimum GPA 3.0 or 3.5 and SAT Requirements 1000 or 1100 as applicable for the program; and

  3. Meet the pre-requisites for classes as determined by the college placement testing.

By participating in Dual Enrollment, students are exposed to college classes, coursework, and expectations while still in high school, at what is typically a reduced tuition rate. When successful, students may be able to transfer those credits earned through dual enrollment, onto another college and/or toward their college degree. Transfer credits are dependent on the discretion of the destination college.

The Cocalico School District has Dual Enrollment Agreements with the following colleges and universities:

1. Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)
2. Millersville University
3. Lancaster Bible College
4. St. Joseph's University-Lancaster
5. Lancaster School of Cosmetology and Therapeutic Bodywork (seniors only)
6. Pennsylvania College of Art and Design
7. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (seniors only)